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Help and advice for Homelessness

This is the Housing Advice service for the London Borough of Sutton

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What is this service?

We will ask you questions to fully assess your circumstances. You’ll need to have the following information to hand for everyone in your household:

  • names and dates of birth

  • 5 year address history

  • information on any medical conditions or other support needs

  • details of your income and any benefits you receive

We may ask you to provide some or all of the following documents:

  • proof of ID such as passport or birth certificate

  • birth certificates for any children

  • tenancy agreement

  • any notice served by your landlord

  • proof of pregnancy or any medical conditions

  • bank statements, wage slips and benefit letters

  • any other documents relevant to your case

Personalised Housing Plan 

If we agree that you’re homeless or threatened with homelessness within 56 days, we will draw up a Personalised Housing Plan with you. This will list the actions for both you and your Housing Adviser to take to either:

  • stop you from becoming homeless

  • help you find new accommodation if you’re already homeless

Your Personalised Housing Plan will include actions that you and your Housing Adviser will agree to take.

You may agree to:

  • contact your landlord to try to resolve particular issues

  • fill in forms, such as an income and expenditure form, which will show us how much money you spend or have coming in

  • keep a record of any actions you’ve taken

  • be referred to other organisations for advice and support

  • contact any family or friends to ask them to let you stay temporarily

  • look for work or privately rented accommodation

Your Housing Advisor may agree to:

  • give you advice about your rights as a tenant

  • talk to your family or friends if they’ve told you to leave

  • help you make a claim for benefits or discretionary housing payments

  • help you find private rented accommodation

  • refer you to other organisations for specialist advice and support, such as the NHS, welfare benefits or debt advice

  • help you to defend your landlord’s claim for possession of the property, if the notice they have served is invalid

Getting a Council property

You probably won’t be offered Council property, even if you are homeless. There are very few available properties.

Good to know

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