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The POD is a drop in service every Friday term time from 10am to 1pm. The POD is a safe and welcoming place for families with children living in temporary or emergency accommodation to meet, relax and play.

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Description of the pod

What is this service?

The POD is a safe and welcoming place for families with children living in temporary or emergency accommodation to meet, relax and play. Parents can unwind with a cuppa and get support from a range of services as well as other parents who are living in similar situations, while their children play with a play worker.

Families can get advice and support on; Income and benefits, Housing, Financial advice and guidance, Children’s health advice from the Health Visiting team, Health and wellbeing, Domestic abuse services, Social prescribing to help combat isolation, as well as well as Link workers on hand to offer 1:1 support.

What we offer?

  • Weekly drop in
  • Supervised play area
  • Housing Advice
  • Professional Support

Good to know

What people say

I can actually pour out my heart to staff without holding back. I had no one else but them. I don't know how I would have survived with my kids giving

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