The 15th Wallington Scout Group provides fun and adventure for young people with additional needs.
- SEND Local Offer
Girls Connect is an information sharing forum for parents/carers of girls and women who have Autistic Spectrum Disorder and who live primarily, but not exclusively, in the South West London area.
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Southwest London Girls Connect was setup in order to facilitate networking of both parents of, as well as girls and women who have Autistic Spectrum Disorder. The aim is to though the strength of the network share resources, information, events and services that are relevant for girls on the autistic spectrum.
The 15th Wallington Scout Group provides fun and adventure for young people with additional needs.
All Aboard Club runs inclusive train-play sessions for autistic, ADHD and SEND children, where they can build their confidence, develop their social skills and just be themselves.
At Challengers, we break down the barriers to play and make it possible for every disabled child or young people to play and have fun, without limits. We support children and young people aged 2 – 18 at our range of services, located across the South East of England.