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Sutton Carers Centre

Sutton Carers Centre offers specialist advice and support to unpaid Carers of people with physical or mental health illness or disability, or substance misuse.

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Image for Sutton Carers Centre

What is this service?

Information and Advice

We offer free, confidential and independent information and advice to unpaid Carers and their families, with the aim of ensuring Carers secure their rights and entitlements to make informed choices.

​We are open at the Centre for in-person drop-in, appointments and groups, as well as telephone or email contact from 10am until 5pm Monday to Friday, and until 8pm every Tuesday.

We provide a wide range of information on a variety of topics, including: breaks, Carers rights, Carers Assessments, practical advice, keeping yourself safe and local services.

Emotional Support

We run regular Carer support groups, workshops as well as one-to-one wellbeing support and other events and activities throughout the year.

Mental Health Services

In addition to the other services provided to Carers, we offer specialist services to provide:

  • Information about diagnosis and treatment

  • Support to access information and navigate the mental health system

  • Access to specific activities and opportunities to meet other Carers of people with mental health concerns

Money matters

We offer benefit check services, cost of living and debt advice as well as help completing forms including disability, Carers Allowance and other related forms.

Find out more

Our monthly newsletter will keep you updated on what's coming up. To register with Sutton Carers Centre or book for an activity, just speak to a member of staff or visit our website.

Good to know

What people say

Warm and friendly atmosphere to be able to off-load and chat to others in the same situation and obtain constructive advice.

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