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Let's Connect Community Connections Service for people aged 50+

The Community Connections Service is provided by Volunteer 'Community Connectors' and staff who help older people in Sutton to meet new people, make new friends and connect with the wider community. To do this, the service provides support to residents to connect with hobbies and communities.

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Image for Let's Connect Community Connections Service for people aged 50+

Key information


Age Group

  • 50+
  • 51 - 60 years
  • 61 - 64 years
  • 65 - 69 years
  • 70 - 79 years
  • 80+

What is this service?

Who is the service for?

The service is for Sutton residents (over 50 years old) who:

Have little or no social contact with others and who feel lonely or isolated

Would like support to meet new people, connect with others and expand their social circle.

Can identify what social contact they would like and are willing to connect with others (with support from a volunteer)

Are able to independently engage with the service

How does it work?

The service is provided for up to 8 months, during which time goals will be set focusing on achieving a sustainable independent connection. The team offer consistent support through check in calls and community meetings.

What we offer?

  • Discovering Activities and Hobbies; providing information about local groups, and support with planning activities. Volunteers can attend the first planned activity with the resident to provide further support, and encouragement
  • Confidence in Meeting new people, and reconnecting with the wider community; via meetings in local cafes, or other community spaces. A volunteer can also attend these meetings with the resident to help them build confidence and settle in
  • Connecting with others online/ virtually; volunteers can assist residents in using a supplied tablet computer to meet others virtually - Even if they've never done it before!
  • Walk and Talk sessions to build confidence strength and stamina outside of the home.

Good to know

What people say

Walk and Talk has been the best way to start things; easy and gentle, not all guns blazing and now I am ready for the next steps.

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