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Support Pathways for Young People with SEND

Find information on where to look for support and information for young people with SEND preparing for adulthood.

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Whether you stay in education or training, or get a job, there is a lot of support available.

Where to look for Support and Information

For Young People with SEND

There are many people, websites and resources that can support you to make informed choices about your future. They can also help you be aspirational about what you want to do. It is important to think about choices that open up opportunities and lead you closer to your goal. You will have to think ahead and start making decisions that open as many doors for you as possible. Do not worry if you are unsure about what you want to do in the future for a career. Try to focus on your strengths and the things you enjoy. Don't forget you can talk the options through with people who support you, such as:

  • Your parent/carers and siblings

  • Your teachers

  • School/College Careers Advisor (this should be listed on the school/college website)

  • Your School/college SENCO

  • The Royal Mencap Society provides support to vulnerable adults with a range of needs to find and access employment.

  • National Careers Service [External Link] provide careers information, advice and guidance. They can help you to make decisions on the steps you need to take to begin and progress your career.

If you attend an educational setting, you can receive careers advice from them. Your setting should have a Careers Advisor and you should be able to ask and find out who this is. You may also be able to find this out on your settings website.

SIASS provides free impartial information, advice and support. They can help you make informed choices about your future. To find out more, visit the SIASS service page.

For Parents

Parents and carers can also find independent information and support through the Sutton SEND Parent/Carer Forum. For more information you can email: [](mailto: You can find them online on their Facebook Send Forum page [External Link].

For Care Leavers

The Care Leavers Local Offer has information about the support available for 16-25 year olds who have been in care in Sutton. To learn more, visit the Local Offer for Care Leavers section of the Sutton Information Hub.


Contact is an organisation that supports families with disabled children. They have information and advice on a range of preparing for adulthood topics. For more information, visit Contact's Preparing for Adult Life pages [External Link] or visit Contact's service page.

The Preparing for Adulthood programme helps young people to transition into adulthood. It has many tools and resources for young people and their families, and it is funded by the Department for Education. To learn more, visit the Preparing for Adulthood programme on the NTDi website [External Link].


It can be difficult to transition into adulthood, and sometimes people are not inclusive of other’s needs. Many young people with SEND face extra challenges with this. Mencap have advice to help if you are being bullied. Bullying is never acceptable. For more information and support, read Mencap's bullying support advice [External Link].

If you are under 19, you can also contact Childline. This is a free, confidential service who help young people with anything they may be struggling with. They can be contacted on the phone or online 24/7. To find out more, visit the Childline website [External Link].

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