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Children’s Continence Service

Find out about what the Children's Continence Service can Offer

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The Children’s Continence Service is available for children and young people aged 5 to 18 years old with bladder and bowel difficulties.

Young people must be registered with a Sutton GP to access the service. These difficulties include daytime wetting and soiling.

The service is run by specialist nurses. They will complete an assessment to find out about your child’s individual needs.

The team can offer:

  • Advice and support around toilet training and healthy bladder and bowels.

  • Continence promotion for children who have additional needs.

  • Assessment and advice for children who have more complex needs or learning disabilities. If the young person is eligible, they can also provide continence products.

Referral to the service is via your child’s GP or another health professional. This could be a School Nurse or Health Visitor

There is a separate enuresis service for young people who experience overnight bed wetting. This is run by the Sutton School Nursing Team.

Some children present with 'red flag' symptoms. This means further investigation may be required. If this is the case, a referral will be made to a Consultant Paediatrician or Paediatric Urologist.

Telephone:  020 8770 5409

Visit Sutton Health and Care Website for further information [External Link].