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Inspections of Settings and Local Area

Find out information on Ofsted and CQC local inspections including links to useful government frameworks.

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Ofsted and CQC carry out inspections of local areas. These ensure that the requirements of the Children and Families Act are being implemented effectively.

They are required to carry out their work in ways that encourage the services they inspect. They aim to improve, be user-focused and be efficient and effective in their use of resources. These inspections provide an independent external evaluation of how well a local area carries out its statutory duties for young people with SEND to support their development.

The inspection reviews how local areas support these children and young people to achieve the best possible educational and other outcomes. These include:

  • being able to live independently

  • secure meaningful employment

  • be well prepared for their adult lives.

Therefore, although these inspections are designed to hold local areas to account, they also intend to assist local areas in improving and developing their processes and support systems. This means that local areas become more effective and deliver better outcomes for children and young people. 

In January 2023, Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission introduced a new framework for inspections of local areas. Local area inspections look at how well the local area partnership supports young people with SEND. This isn’t just an inspection of the Local Authority and NHS services. It also looks at how the wider partnership works together to improve outcomes for young people. 

The new framework replaces the old inspection framework introduced in 2016. It places more focus on the impact the local area partnership arrangements are having on the lives of young people with SEND.

Find details of the new inspection framework on the GOV.UK website [External Link].

Inspections of Registered Early Years Providers

Ofsted carries out regular inspections once a provider is registered on the Ofsted Early Years Register. These evaluate the overall quality and standards of its early years provision. This is in line with the principles and requirements of the 'Early years foundation stage (EYFS) statutory framework'.  

Providers on the Early Years Register will normally have their setting inspected at least once within a four year cycle. Newly registered providers should within 30 months of their registration date. 

Inspectors will make the following judgements:

  • overall effectiveness

  • the quality of education

  • behaviour and attitudes

  • personal development

  • leadership and management

Inspectors use a four-point scale to make all judgements.

  • grade 1: outstanding

  • grade 2: good

  • grade 3: requires improvement

  • grade 4: inadequate

The Early Years inspection handbook for Ofsted registered provision can be read here [External Link].

**Maintained Schools **

There are two types of inspection of maintained schools:

  1. Section 5 is a full inspection. It means that the school is being inspected under Section 5 of the Education Act 2005

  2. Section 8 inspections are carried out for a range of purposes. It means that the school is being inspected under Section 8 of the Education Act 2005

The school inspection handbook explains how Ofsted conducts inspections. It also explains the judgements inspectors make under section 5 inspections. Find the handbook on the GOV.UK website [External Link]. It contains the grade descriptors inspectors use when making their judgements. Read the school inspection handbook: section 8 to find out how Ofsted carry out inspections of good schools [External Link].

The education inspection framework sets out the statutory basis for schools inspected under section 5 of the Education Act 2005 (as amended). Find the education inspection framework here [External Link].

Section 8 inspections are carried out for good and non-exempt outstanding schools. These are schools that have not been otherwise selected for a Section 5 inspection.

Section 8 inspections might also take place as:

  • monitoring inspections for schools that require improvement

  • monitoring inspections for schools judged inadequate

  • inspections with no formal designation

  • unannounced behaviour inspections. 

Non-exempt outstanding schools are

  • special schools

  • pupil referral units

  • nurseries

that were previously judged as ‘outstanding’.  

Independent Schools

Ofsted also inspects non-association independent schools. These schools will have a ‘standard inspection’ within 3 years from September 2018. Standard inspections are carried out under the education inspection framework (EIF) [External Link]  and the Independent School Standards [External Link]. These can be found on the GOV.UK website [External Link].

Schools who are members of the Associations of the Independent Schools Council (ISC) are inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI). The ISI Framework for Inspection is available on the Independent Schools Inspectorate website [External Link].

What areas do Ofsted inspect?

Ofsted regularly reviews the framework for inspection.  However, under the current framework, inspectors use a four-point scale to make judgements about these areas:

  • the quality of education

  • behaviour and attitudes

  • personal development

  • leadership and management

The grades that Ofsted award are:

  • 1 (outstanding)

  • 2 (good)

  • 3 (requires improvement)

  • 4 (inadequate)

A judgement of the overall effectiveness of the school will be given. 

The Local Area inspection process

During the inspection, inspectors will meet leaders from the area’s education, health and social care services. They will also look at young people’s case files. They will review the support provided by the local area for some individual young people. This helps them to better understand how well the local area meets its responsibilities.  They will also visit:

  • early years settings

  • schools

  • further education providers

  • specialist services.

During these visits, inspectors will also spend time speaking to children, young people and their parents or carers. 

**How will inspectors report the findings? **

At the end of the inspection, the inspection team will evaluate all the evidence gathered. Ofsted and the CQC will write a joint inspection outcome letter. The letter will explain the main findings and make recommendations for improvement. It will also highlight any strengths that inspectors identify to help other services and areas develop and improve. 

These letters will be published on GOV.UK [External Link] or the CQC website [External Lin

**Sutton’s Local Area SEND Ofsted/CQC inspection **

Ofsted and the CQC inspected Sutton’s Local Area services for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in January 2018. They decided improvements were required in the local area and that Sutton required a Written Statement of Action (WSOA).  Between 2-4 March 2020, inspectors from Ofsted and CQC re-inspected the areas of weakness identified in January 2018. They assessed services across the Council, Health and Cognus, the provider of core education services in the borough. They also gathered feedback from parents, carers, young people and providers such as schools. They decided Sutton had made “sufficient progress” in all three areas identified in the SEND Local Area Inspection. Therefore, Sutton's Local Area no longer required a WSOA.  Please read the SEND Ofsted/CQC inspection [External Link]. Sutton has not yet been inspected in the new inspection framework introduced in 2023. 

Sutton SEND Strategic Partnership

Work on improving services and outcomes for young people with SEND continues through the Sutton SEND Strategic Partnership (SSSP). The programme is governed through the SSSP Board. It is made up of representatives from:

  • the Local Authority

  • schools

  • social care

  • health

  • the voluntary and community sector

The  Board provides a forum to discuss and make decisions on:

  • the strategic impact of the changes that will happen in Sutton’s Local Area as part of the SEND Continuous Improvement Programme

  • monitoring and review of performance data relating to the outcomes for children and young people with SEND

  • the strategic direction and ensures multi-agency scrutiny

  • the group also champions co-design and co-production with parents, young people and between partners.