Health Services for Children who are Looked After
Find out about what health services Children Looked After are entitled to.
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The Looked After Children’s Health Service is also known as the LAC Service.
The LAC Service is available for children aged 0 to 18 years old who are looked after by the London Borough of Sutton.
The service is run by specialist nurses. They ensure that all children who are looked after receive an annual health assessment as per statutory guidance. If the child is under 5, they are entitled to a health check every six months.
The team is able to offer:
· An annual or six-monthly health assessment for all children who are looked after.
· Onward referral to other health professionals where needed.
Referral to the service is via Social Services
Find more information at the Sutton Health and Care, children's services website [External Link].
Children Looked After and young people are defined as those in the care of a local authority. This covers children under a care order or other court order, including those on an adoption pathway. It also includes children who are accommodated voluntarily, who are in respite care, who are on remand and young asylum seekers who have travelled to the UK without their parents or carers.
The responsibility for these children's care is with the Children Looked After (CLA) team.
About us
The Children Looked After Team in Sutton works closely with the Children’s Safeguarding Team. However, its work, although mindful of the principles of child protection, supports the most disadvantaged group of the general child population and addresses health issues and inequalities unique to this group.
What we do
Statutory Health Assessments for Children Looked After: Initial health assessment (IHA) when a child first comes into care followed by annual reviews (RHA) for those over 5 years or every 6 months for children under 5 years. IHAs are completed by Doctors and RHAs are largely completed by Nurses, but where required and appropriate, will also be completed by Doctors.
Health Promotion, advice, referrals and signposting: Offered at every health assessment. Health related issues such as sleep, healthy eating, dental health, optical health, alcohol/drug use, sexual health, relationships, mental health, smoking/vaping cessation are addressed at the appropriate age and stage of development.
Liaison with other professionals: The team work as an integral part of a large multi-agency and multi-disciplinary group who hold a Corporate Parenting responsibility to Sutton’s Children Looked After including Children’s Social Care, foster carers, residential homes, specialist schools, school nurses, health visitors and allied health professionals, including Paediatricians, General Practitioners, CAMHS, sexual health practitioners, and CLA health teams from other areas.
Who is the service for?
The Children looked after nurse team provides health services for children who are looked after and placed by Sutton Children’s Social Care (CSC). A small number of children we see are looked after by other Local Authorities.
Services we provide
Review health assessments are carried out Monday to Friday by Specialist CLA Nurses and comprise:
· In-depth and holistic health discussion, reviewing health care plans, referring to services as required
Health promotion, advice and signposting, dietary advice, Growth monitoring, immunisation advice
Sexual health & Contraceptive advice (referrals to external services as required)
Advocacy and support to reduce health inequalities and improve health outcomes for CLA
How do I get an appointment?
Referrals are received from CSC and appointments offered from the CLA nurse team for health assessments, additional health input is provided as needed such as advice and support, immunisations, referrals, further investigations and follow-up.
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