Pregnancy, labour and birth
Information to help you prepare for pregnancy, labour and birth.
Page last updated
Find links to websites and resources to support you through your pregnancy, labour and birth.
Planning your pregnancy
The NHS website provides information and advice on trying for a baby, including planning a pregnancy and LGBT+ routes into parenthood.
Visit the NHS website to find out more information [External Link]
Antenatal Care - St Helier Maternity Unit
If you suspect or are pregnant St Helier Hospital provides antenatal care through their maternity services. The Epsom and St Helier NHS website has all of the information including how you can self-refer.
Visit the Epsom and St Helier NHS website [External Link]
Antenatal Care - Free course
Solihull Approach brings together a core team of NHS clinical psychologists, child psychotherapists, health professionals, and child and family practitioners, together with schools and parents to develop training to support people who work with children in ANY setting as well as for ALL parents who want to support and nurture emotional health. They provide a free course in understanding pregnancy, labour, birth and your babyFree.
Register for free on the 'in our place' website [External Link]. Use Access code ‘Tree’
Antenatal Care - Education session
Sutton Health Visiting service holds monthly Antenatal sessions “ the early weeks with your baby”.
View more information on the Sutton health and care website [External Link]
Week-by-week guide to pregnancy
The NHS provides information on how to look after yourself and your baby while you're pregnant including a healthy diet, exercise, travel vaccinations and smoking, alcohol and drugs during pregnancy.
Find out more information on the website [External Link]
Mental health and well being during pregnancy and after childbirth
Sutton Health and Care have put together a Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Padlet filled with useful local support links, wider resources & information around perinatal and infant mental health.
View the perinatal and infant mental health Padlet here [External Link]
Infant feeding pathway and information
Sutton Health and Care have put together a Sutton Infant Feeding Information Padlet filled with everything you need to know about infant feeding in Sutton.
View the Infant feeding pathway and information Padlet here [External Link]
Getting support during pregnancy
Family Hubs bring together the support a family may need, from pregnancy through to young people turning 19 (or 25 if they have SEND).
Family Hubs aim to make a positive difference to parents, carers and their children by providing a mix of physical and virtual spaces, as well as outreach, where families can access non-judgemental support for the challenges they may be facing.
Visit the Family Hubs pages to find out how to access support
Symptoms and complications
Find out about common symptoms in pregnancy and what to do about them on the NHS website.
Visit the NHS website [External Link]
Top tips for bonding with your baby in pregnancy
Sutton Health and Care have put together a list of Top tips for bonding with your newborn baby, including links to useful websites and Apps.
View the Top Tips on the Sutton Health and Care website [External Link]
Pregnancy FAQs
Emma’s diary believe that being a new mum is the best thing ever but we know it can be a time for questions and seeking reassurance. They have. They have produced a list of Frequently asked questions (FAQ’s) to provide new mum’s with reassurance.
View the list of FAQ’s on the Emma’s diary website [External Link]
Having a baby if you are LGBT+
The NHS website provides useful information to anyone who is about starting a family if you're lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or non-binary.
Visit the NHS website [External Link] for more information