Advocacy for All is a locally-rooted advocacy organisation with a strong history, that exists to give people a voice through one to one advocacy and self-advocacy groups. We believe that Bigger Voices = Better Lives.
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We can answer your queries if you’re affected by sight loss.
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A-Z of eye conditions - Find out more about your eye condition. Our information is easy to understand and medically checked.
Help you’re entitled to - There are many benefits and support to make life easier if you’re blind or partially sighted.
Read in the format of your choice - We have thousands of books, magazines and more in audio and other accessible reading formats.
Use technology to stay independent - We can support you to use technology to enrich your life and continue to do things independently.
Living Well with Sight Loss courses - Join our courses to meet other people in similar situations, and boost your confidence by getting practical advice and solutions to living well with sight loss.
Equality, rights and employment - Know your rights and how to challenge discrimination. Plus, get advice on finding a new job or help with staying in your current role.
Children, young people and education - We have lots of helpful information for young people and parents of children with vision impairment.
Advocacy for All is a locally-rooted advocacy organisation with a strong history, that exists to give people a voice through one to one advocacy and self-advocacy groups. We believe that Bigger Voices = Better Lives.
We are the only helpline that knows enough about Speech, Language, Communication Needs to help you understand your child’s difficulties, what help (s)he needs and how to get it.
We are the UK’s eating disorder charity.