Childcare Funding for parents in work, education or training
Information about the different support and schemes available to parents and carers in work, education or training.
Page last updated
There are a number of different schemes and support available to working parents to help with the cost of childcare.
An overview of these schemes and support is given below but for full details on the range of support available please visit the Childcare Choices website [External Link]. There is also an online calculator [External Link] can help you find out what support scheme is best for you and your family.
Tax Free Childcare Scheme
Working parents with children under 12 (or under 17 if the child has a disability) can open an online account to pay for childcare. For every £8 you pay into the account, the government will top it up by £2. You can receive up to £2000 per child per year or £4000 if your child has a disability.
To ensure you receive the maximum amount of tax free childcare, parents will need to make regular deposits, as the government cap the level of funding they provide at £500 per quarter (3 months).
You can use your tax free childcare account to pay for registered childcare. Your childcare provider must also be signed up to receive payments through this service.
The Tax Free Childcare can be used at the same time as the Free Early Education and Childcare Entitlements but it cannot be used with either Tax Credits or Universal Credits.
To find out if you are eligible and how to apply for Tax Free Childcare please visit the Childcare Choices website [External Link].
Child Tax Credit
Working families with children under 16 (or 17 if the child has a disability) can claim back up to 70% of their childcare costs. Please note you can only claim for Child Tax Credit if you are receiving Working Tax Credit. If you cannot apply for Child Tax Credit then you can apply for Universal Credit (see below). Click here to find out if you are eligible for Child Tax Credit on the GOV.UK [External Link].
Child Tax Credit cannot be claimed at the same time as the Tax Free Childcare Scheme or Universal Credit.
Universal Credit
Eligible working parents may be able to claim up to 85% of their childcare costs under their Universal Credit claim. Click here for more information and to apply online for Universal Credit on the GOV.UK website [External Link].
Universal Credit cannot be used at the same time as Child Tax Credit, Tax Free Childcare or the Free Early Education and Childcare Entitlements.
Free Early Education and Childcare Entitlements
All 3 and 4 year olds and some 2 year olds (subject to eligibility) can claim up to 15 hours a week of free childcare over at least 38 weeks of the year. Working parents may also be eligible to claim for an additional 15 hours a week for their 3 and 4 year old, most commonly known as the 30 hours free childcare
To find out more about the entitlements, including how to access them in Sutton visit the Free Childcare Entitlement pages.
Childcare Vouchers
Childcare voucher schemes are no longer open for new entrants. However, if you are already using this scheme, you can continue to pay for childcare using your childcare vouchers. Parents cannot sign up for a Tax Free Childcare account whilst already using the childcare vouchers. If you are using childcare vouchers and would prefer to use the Tax Free Childcare scheme, please contact your childcare voucher provider about closing your account prior to apply for the Tax Free Childcare Scheme.
Childcare funding for parents in education and training
If you are looking to study or train there are also some funding options open to you as a parent:
Care to Learn
This scheme can help to pay for childcare costs for young parents (aged under 20 years) who are studying to further their career. The national Care to Learn free-phone helpline is 0800 121 8989 or visit the Care to Learn website [External Link].
Grants, Loans and Allowances
If you are planning on studying you may be eligible to apply for a childcare grant, parent learners allowance or a student/career loan or grant. Contact the Student Finance Helpline on 0300 100 0607 or visit the Childcare Grant website [External Link].
Learner Support Funds, Childcare Support Funds, Access Support Funds
If you are studying at a college, you should inquire if the college has an onsite creche, a learner support fund or childcare/access support fund. You may be offered support with the cost of childcare or a subsidised place in the onsite creche if available.
Contact your local college for further details. The contact details for colleges in or near Sutton are:
Sutton College: 020 8770 5566
Carshalton College:020 8544 4444
South Thames College (Merton Campus): 020 8918 7486
Nescot College: 020 8394 1731
Croydon College: 020 8686 5700
For more information, contact the Family Information service by completing our Online Enquiry Form [External Link] or calling us on 020 8770 6000.