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Young Carers and Sutton Carers Centre

Find information on local support services to meet the needs of unpaid Carers in the community.

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A Carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member cannot cope without their support.

This may be due to illness, disability, a mental health concern or an addiction.

Young Carers are children or young people under 18, who care for a family member who may be ill or disabled. They carry out significant caring role.

There is a wide range of free, local support services to meet the needs of unpaid Carers in the community. Find out more information on the support available for a parent, child or young person in a caring role below:

Young Carers Sutton

Sutton Young Carers service provides a range of specialist and targeted support to children and young people aged 8-25 years of age who have caring responsibilities for a family member who has a physical or long term illness, mental ill health or who misuses alcohol or substances.

Visit the Young Carers directory page for more information

Sutton Carers Centre

Sutton Carers Centre offers specialist advice and support to unpaid carers, including parents/carers of children, young people and adults with disabilities or extra needs.

Visit the Sutton Carers Centre directory page for more information