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Working Together

In this section you will find information about how we work with partners to improve the SEND Local Offer.

Page last updated

Below provides an overview of the work undertaken and feedback obtained relating to the SEND Local Offer in the last 18 months.

February 2025

  • Visited 7 schools in the local area to discuss the Local Offer with SENCO's and how we can work together to widen the knowledge of the Local Offer.

  • The Local Offer Coordinator met with the head of SEND to create videos for the Local Offer. This should make information more easily accessible and better to understand.

  • The Local Offer Coordinator attended Get on Down's and spoke to parent/carers. We collaborated with parent/carers on what they want from the Local Offer and had an engaging conversation.

  • We also attended Playwise Tactile Tales and Playwise Playdate. We gained a better understanding on how these services run and connected with parent/carers attending these groups.

  • We attended the Youth Leads Network meeting. We discussed with other professionals what they offer for the local area and discussed any concerns.

  • The Local Offer Coordinator attended The Autism Projects open afternoon. We gained further knowledge into the three pathways they offer and got a tour of the site.

  • The Local Offer Coordinator also attended a Preparing for Adulthood Hub meeting. We will continue to attend these and use feedback we have received to create a hub that is beneficial for our local communities wants and needs.

January 2025

  • Visited 14 schools in the local area to discuss the Local Offer and how we can work together to widen the knowledge of the Local Offer.

  • The Local Offer attended Teamsport's Go-Karting alternative provision site. We gained more insight and information on how this will be running.

  • We gained over 200 new members on our Facebook group since November. This has allowed those in the community who follow the page to be updated with events and news.

  • The Local Offer has continued updating content on the website and ensured this is relevant and taken on board feedback provided from schools and services.

  • The Local Offer visited Homestart Sutton and Playwise Tactile Tales to get more insight into these services and how we can work collaboratively.

December 2024

  • The Local Offer visited The Diamond Centre to discuss the Local Offer and how they can work in partnership.

  • The Local Offer went to the networking afternoon tea at The Grove School. This allowed for a discussion for what the school is offering and getting the school onto the Local Offer. The Local Offer also connected with other staff members to work collaboratively.

  • The Local Offer attended the VRU Sharing Inclusive Practice Network event at Oasis Academy Arena.

  • The Local Offer attended the Young Commissioners Youth Board event to hear the young peoples opinions and views on Sutton.

  • The Local Offer continued visiting Primary and Secondary schools in the local area to discuss the Local Offer and to view the schools provisions.

November 2024

  • The Local Offer attended the Preparing for Adulthood event at Westcroft Leisure Centre. The event focused on children with SEND finding out about next steps and how to prepare for adulthood.

  • The Local Offer visited The Autism Project Professional Open day, they discussed the new pathways for the 2024/25 academic year. This has been updated on their Local Offer page.

  • The Local Offer has been visiting Primary and Secondary schools in the local area to discuss the Local Offer and to view the schools provisions.

April 2023

  • The Local Offer has been working with Get on Downs to create an information page for young people with Down Syndrome. 

  • The Local Offer attended Sutton's Youth Engagement and Participation networking meetings to ensure that youth engagement is joined up across Sutton. It was a great chance to identify opportunities for collaboration and ensure that our young people have the chance for their voices to be heard. 

March 2023

  • Sutton Local Offer attended the Together for Sutton Information Networking event,  held at the Salvation Army. The event focused on Mental Health and it was a great opportunity to meet local residents and services. 

February 2023

  • Sutton Local Offer held a workshop with Orchard Hill students to discuss areas of the Local Offer website that could be expanded.

  • Sutton Local Offer attended a meeting of the local young person's advocacy group to find out what concerns young people had for their future.

  • Sutton Local Offer attended the Family Hub Conference to learn more about the Family Hub model and the experience of families in Sutton. 

January 2023

  • A shared document has been set up so that colleagues can forward and share any feedback they receive. 

  • Feedback was obtained from the Youth Offending Team regarding the concerns SEND young people have about moving on from a Referral Order. 

November 2022

  • An event for young people with SEND was held at the Sutton Life Centre. Sutton Local Offer and Sutton Council colleagues and partners came together to hold the event. We showcased services and local initiatives around 4 key topics: independence, community inclusion, supported employment and health. The event was a great opportunity to engage Young People and find out what is important to them and what would be useful to have on the Local Offer.  Visit the Preparing for Adulthood event microsite [External LInk].

  • Knots Art is a local group specifically for girls with social communication difficulties and are structured around weekly activities which give the girls a chance to share experiences, learn new skills and develop communication and friendships. The girls have designed some fantastic logos for the Local Offer which will be used on the Young People's page. A huge thank you for all their hard work.

  • Sutton Local Offer had a stand at the Start Well Parent Engagement Event, held at the St Nicholas Centre, Sutton. It was great to hear from families about what was important to them when using the Local Offer website. 

October 2022

  • Sutton Local Offer visited Workshop 305 in Wimbledon to find out more about the classes they offer. It was a great opportunity to speak to some of the students and see how talented they were!

  • Sutton Local Offer is regularly helping with riding sessions at Diamond Riding Centre. This is a great opportunity to learn more about what our young people enjoy doing.

September 2022

  • Sutton Local Offer met with the Family Information Service to discuss how we can work together to provide the most comprehensive service to our families. 

  • Sutton Local Offer visited Kingston and Richmond's Local Offer fair to learn more about what provision is made for young people with SEND in other boroughs. 

June 2022

  • Action Voices and Speak Up Sutton held a day of celebration at Salvation Army, Sutton. A young person gave a presentation on 'Hear my voice' and there was an open mic session to allow individuals to speak. It was a great opportunity to hear the views of SEND adults and young people in Sutton.

May 2022

  • Nickel Support have a new venue in Cheam. Sutton Local Offer met with Nickel Support to see how we can improve the information on the website.

  • Sutton Local Offer met with the Interim Designated Clinical Officer: Special Educational Needs Disability (Merton & Sutton), NHS Southwest London CCG to discuss the Health and Wellbeing pages of the Local Offer.

April 2022

  • Sutton Local Offer took part in a Peer Review with other Local Offers in order to improve our website. Thank you Torbay Local Offer for giving us feedback!

February 2022

  • Sutton Local Offer visited the All Aboard Club. The inclusive play sessions are for autistic, ADHD and SEND children. It was a great opportunity to discuss how to use social media to reach families.

December 2021

  • Girls win supported the Local Offer by producing a video below.

November 2021

  • The Local Offer attended the Transition Event held at Sutton Life Centre. It was a great opportunity to not only promote the Local Offer but for young people to share their ideas and views. The groups mentioned by the young people will be put on the Leisure pages of the Local Offer. 

  • Sutton Park Run welcomed the Local Offer to see their free, fun and friendly weekly run. The Park Run is an inclusive and welcoming event you can do at your own page. Visit Nonsuch Parkrun to learn more [External Link].

  • BlindAid works to improve quality of life and promotes independence for Londoners with a visual impairment. They provide individualised practical and emotional support to reduce the social isolation that many people living with a visual impairment can experience. BlindAid kindly allowed the Local Offer Coordinator to take part in their sight guide training to increase understanding the impact visual impairments can have. Visit BlindAid to learn more about their work [External Link].

October 2021

  • Thanks you Go Wild Croydon for letting the Local Offer experience a taste of Forest School. It was great to see how much the young people got out of the experience and enjoyed reconnecting with nature. 

July 2021

  • Sutton Local Offer and KIDS charity were at Orchard Hill College. KIDS ran a workshop to ask young people how we can improve the Local Offer. We received many ideas such as having more pictures and having more information about relationships. Thank you to Orchard Hill and KIDS!

Read the KIDS report - Making Participation work on the London Borough of Sutton website [External Link]

Download the Kids report - Making Participation work (PDF, 2.96MB).

  • Sutton Local Offer met Girls Win. As well as having lots of fun playing sports, the young people talked about what they would like to learn more about. The Local Offer is working towards making information about jobs and education clearer for young people.

  • Thank you to Club Soda for letting Sutton Local Offer visit your live event and see such great performances!

June 2021

  • Playwise staff and families welcomed the Local Offer. It was a great chance to find out what information families want on the Local Offer. Many of the families have joined our Facebook page and shared their stories. 

  • Sutton Family Information Service (SFIS) met with the Local Offer to explain what they do. SFIS provide free information, advice and guidance on childcare, early education, activities and services for children and young people aged between 0-19 (or 25 if the young person has an additional need) in the London Borough of Sutton. 

April 2021

  • It was fun meeting families at EcoLocal's inclusive cycling sessions. Families and young people provided feedback on the Local Offer, as well as making the most of the many bikes available. 

Please make your comments and suggestions in our feedback form (DOC) [External Link].

Alternatively, please email