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Your Voice Matters: Children and Young People SEND Review

Barnardo’s have been supporting children and young people, as well as families and caregivers to have their say – find out more about this below.

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Your Voice Matters

Barnardo's have been working in partnership with Sutton Council to hear what children and young people have to say about the way they are supported with a special educational need or disability in Sutton.

Barnardo's listened to 51 children and young people at the Preparation for Adulthood (PfA) event in November 2023 - you told us what has been helpful to you, and what else you would find helpful.

In April 2024, Barnardo's published a survey and visited schools and colleges in Sutton to hear what children and young people had to say about their lived experiences of support with special educational need or disability in Sutton. We listened to 61 children and young people who responded to the survey and who took park in activities in their school or college.

We have listened to what matters to you and what we learned can be found in the children and young people's reports which are both published here:

Your Voice Matters - Children and Young People's Voices About Support for SEND in Sutton (October 2024) [External Link].

Your Voice Matters - Children and Young People's Voices About Support for SEND in Sutton - PfA (January 2024) [External Link].

Barnardo's have also made recommendations to Sutton Council and these recommendations are now part of their 3-year plan [External Link] to improve your experiences. Barnardo's have spoken to mental health and emotional wellbeing services in Sutton to share your feedback and what matters to you about support for your wellbeing. We have also spoken to all transport providers in Sutton to share your feedback and how important transport is and the impact on children and young people when things go wrong. Everyone Barnardo's have spoken to has been very grateful for children and young people's feedback and views, we hope that this means they will listen to your voices and experiences to continue to improve things for you. The report from October 2024 tells you more about where your voice has been shared and the difference it is making.

Thank you for taking part in our survey and activities, your voices have made a real difference.

Parents and caregivers have also responded to a survey to share their views and experiences of supporting a child with a special educational need or a disability. The summary report for parents and carers can be accessed here [External Link].