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Supported Internships, Supported Employment and Supported Apprenticeships for young people with SEND

Find out information about Supported Internships, Supported Employment and Apprenticeships for Young People with SEND.

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If you decide you do not want to continue with full time study but would like to do a combination of study and 'on the job' training, there are several options available.

Combining work and study - Supported Internships, Supported Employment and Apprenticeships

Here is a short video that explains the different options [External Link]. Eligibility criteria varies and you may not get paid a salary, here is a brief overview of the main schemes available and who to contact to find out more:

Supported Internship

Supported internships are for young people with learning difficulties or learning disabilities, who have an EHC Plan and need extra support to get a job. Leads to paid employment.

Find an easy-read about Supported Internships [External Link].


Intermediate, advanced higher and degree apprenticeships (Level 2 up to 7) have a mix of practical on-the-job skills with off-the-job learning. There are many apprenticeships available based on your interests and location. You'll get training that is specific to your job and be paid a salary. Start at a level to suit you, with support if you have special needs or a disability. Leads to: paid employment, next level of apprenticeship.

  • Work/study split - 80% of your time will be in the workplace and 20% off-the-job with some study in college, training centre or Institute of Technology (IoT).

  • Duration - A minimum of 1 year

  • Entry requirements - Will be dependent on the industry, job role and apprenticeship level

  • Qualifications: apprenticeship certificate, diploma, degree and masters depending on level

  • Salary - You will be entitled to: The National Minimum Wage (however some employers pay more), time for training or study as part of your apprenticeship, holiday pay and other employee rights. There are different rates of pay for apprentices depending on your age and what year of your apprenticeship you're in. You can check the national minimum age here [External Link]. If you're under 25 when you start your apprenticeship and have previously been in local authority care, you may be eligible for a bursary (extra money that you do not have to pay back) .

  • Apprenticeships near me: you can search for local apprenticeship opportunities in your area at Find an Apprenticeship [External Link].

An apprentice with an EHC plan receives funding for the core cost of their training in the same way as all other apprentices. This funding comes from the apprenticeship budget, but employers choose the apprentices and apprenticeship training they need in their business and negotiate how much funding will be paid for it. If an apprentice is 16-24 and has an EHC plan, then their employer and training provider each receive an extra £1000 to meet any extra costs in their training.

Other Programmes

The Royal Mencap Society work with the London Borough of Sutton to support people with autism, learning disabilities, mental health needs, physical disabilities and sensory impairments to gain and keep paid employment. This may mean paid work, work experience or voluntary work. For more information, visit the Sutton Supported Employment directory page.

Nickel support is a not-for-profit community interest organisation. They supports adults (16+) with learning disabilities by offering real life opportunities. This could be to improve work skills, or support with life skill development. They offer people the chance to get involved with social businesses. These are managed and run by the trainees with learning disabilities who access the service. View Nickel Support's service profile.

Steps into Work is a 3 way partnership between TFL, Mencap and Barnet & Southgate College. They provide work experience for adults with mild to moderate learning disabilities and/or on the autism spectrum. Visit Steps into Work [External Link]

CareTrade is a multi-award winning charity providing opportunities for Londoners with autism to transition from school/college towards and into employment. Visit CareTrade's service profile. Learn more about CareTrade - The Autism project [External Link].

The National Career Service has a website explaining some of the options available. Whether you know where you’re headed in the future or not, knowing the work and study choices available to you is a great place to start. Visit Get the Jump - Skills for Life [External Link].

The Sutton SEND Employment Fact Sheet [External Link] will provide more information to help you choose the right pathway.