Important Identification Documents for Care Leavers
Find out about the important documents you might need to get as you leave care
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Important Documents
National Insurance Number, Passport and Driving Licence
Your Social Worker will help you to apply for your National Insurance Number as soon as you are old enough. You Should have this before your 16th birthday. Sutton will help you to ensure you have photographic identification, which you will need to access services. We will support you with either your passport or provisional driving license.
Birth Certificate and British Citizenship
The Leaving Care Team Office has facilities to securely store your birth certificate if you'd like us to keep if safe for you. If you don't have one we can support you to get a birth certificate.
If you don't have citizenship in the UK you can speak to your Social Worker or Personal Advisor about what support you can get to apply for Naturalization. This is a long and complicated process and you will usually need to speak to an immigration solicitor.
Want to discuss these and other documents with the Leaving Care Team
It's important you speak to your Social Worker as soon as you find out you might need a new document or piece of identification. You can also email the Leaving Care Team or call 020 8770 6600 if you have any other questions.
Email the Leaving Care Team