Junior ISAs for Care Leavers and the Share Foundation
Find out more about Junior ISAs and the £200 additional contribution for all Care Leavers in Sutton
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The Government have contributed £200 for each eligible looked after young person to open a Junior ISA. The Share Foundation, a registered charity, has been authorised by the government to set up and manage the Junior ISAs for all looked after children. The Share Foundation also raises funds which it contributes to the Junior ISAs that it manages.
What changes now I am 18?
When you become 18 you are entitled to access the funds. You can then choose, for example, whether to invest in a regular ISA or draw out the money. If you make no decision the Junior ISA will automatically become an adult ISA in your name.
What do I have to do to access my account?
You should contact your social worker or PA at the Leaving Care team on 0208 770 6600 (admin) who will enable you to have direct contact with The Share Foundation. We recommend that young people contact Share Foundation as soon as practical after they reach 18 as, without an instruction from you, the account will convert to a regular ISA automatically and can no longer be subject to active investment decisions on your behalf. It may, therefore, not be invested in the most advantageous way for you.
How can I see how much money is in the Junior ISA or how it is performing?
Regular JISA valuations are sent to the local authority, and you can obtain a balance of the latest statement from them. Once you reach 18, a final valuation will be sent to the local authority, at which time you will need to take on the responsibility of managing your own account.
Want to find out more about the Share Foundation and Junior ISAs?
Further information on Junior ISAs for Care Leavers and how to contact the Share Foundation can be found on their service profile on the Sutton Information Hub.
Find out how to contract the Share Foundation
Get advice on Junior ISAs and your finances
Financial education and support is available to all Care Leavers in Sutton. Young Enterprise provide a lot of financial information specifically for Care Leavers and can be contacted via their website or by telephone on 01296 310400.
Visit the Young Enterprise website