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Managing Your Finances

This section provides information on budgeting, financial support and benefits and the £2000 Housing Allowance for Care Leavers

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Support with Budgeting

Your Social Worker or Personal Adviser can support you to complete a 'financial assessment' which looks at your income and spendings and forms the basis of your budget plan which they can also help you with. Sometimes it may be your foster carer, key worker or someone else who does this with you. It's very important that you learn to budget as this will help you when you are living independently.

If you end up in debt, it's important that you let you Social Worker or Personal Adviser know as soon as possible. We can help you by referring you to debt support services and developing a payment plan to get you back on track.

You might find using the Money Advice Service Budget Planner [External Link] helpful in learning how to budget and manage your finances. You may also find our pages on benefits and your £2000 Housing Allowance, Junior ISAs and the Share Foundation, and Information about Food Vouchers helpful

Want to speak to the Leaving Care Team about your money situation?

It's important you speak to your Social Worker as soon as you start finding you don't have enough money for your rent, food, travel or any other money you spend. You can also email the Leaving Care Team or call 020 8770 6600 if you have any other questions.

Email the Leaving Care Team

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