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10. Safeguarding

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  1. The Council is committed to ensuring that children and young people on transport travel safely to school and arrive ready to learn. The following safeguarding systems are in place to protect children’s safety and promote their well-being: 
  • There are regular authorised crews on all routes; 

  • Crew members have valid DBS certificates and appropriate licences; 

  • Crew members have completed safeguarding training and know how to report any concerns they have about children in their care; 

  • Crew members are provided with certified first-aid training; 

  • Child-seating is provided for children and young people below 135 cm in height; 

  • Non-ambulant buggy or wheelchair users undergo a wheelchair risk assessment to verify that their buggy or wheelchair has been crash-tested for use on transport and to ensure that the correct safety equipment is used to secure the buggy or wheelchair in place; 

  • All incidents on board transport are logged and investigated; 

  • Safeguarding concerns or allegations about a transport crew member are referred to the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO);

  • Crew members are provided with a procedure in circumstances where parents or carers are not available at their home address at the end of the school day, or have requested an agreed alternative destination; 

  • Taxi routes are audited on a regular basis and checked for compliance against the service specification, including compliance with safeguarding procedures. 

Local Authority Designated Officer

  1. Statutory guidance and procedures state that every Council has a duty to manage allegations and concerns about any person who works with children and young people in their area. This includes Council staff, staff employed by partner agencies and volunteers. The Council complies with this duty by appointing a LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer). 

  2. The LADO is responsible for investigating and co-ordinating child protection allegations made against staff and volunteers who work with children.

  3. Referrals to the LADO will usually be made by a designated senior manager, within one working day of being made aware of the allegation. For the Assisted Travel Team, the designated manager is the Assisted Travel Manager, though any team member may refer if necessary. 

  4. Concerns should be referred to the LADO by contacting 020 8770 4776 (or via the Out of Hours service on 020 8770 5000) or by email:

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