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2. Who This Policy Applies To

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Who this policy applies to

Children of ‘preschool’ age

  1. While there is no legal requirement for the Council to make special arrangements for children under the age of 5 to travel between home and school, the Council may use its discretionary powers to provide travel assistance for children who have an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan aged four and are entering the reception year at primary school at the Council’s discretion. 

Children of compulsory school age

  1. This policy outlines the assistance that the Council will make available to provide for children of ‘compulsory school age to attend school’. 

  2. A child becomes of compulsory school age on 31 December, 31 March or 31 August following a child’s fifth birthday - whichever comes first. If a child’s fifth birthday is on one of those dates then they reach compulsory school age on that date. 

  3. A child ceases to be compulsory school age on the last day of the academic year in which they are in year 11. This is usually the last Friday in the June of that year. This definition of compulsory school age applies to both children with and without an EHC plan.

  4. This policy only applies to children and young people who are resident in the London Borough of Sutton. 

  5. Eligibility will be considered from the child’s ‘main place of residence’ - usually this would be defined as the location in which the child spends the majority of the school week. Where a child lives at two or more addresses for an equal period of time in the school week, we will discuss with you, the parents or carers, which address should be used for the purposes of assessing eligibility provided that both addresses are within the London Borough of Sutton, taking into account individual circumstances.  

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