2. Why Consider a Personal Travel Budget and What Can They be Used For?
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Why consider a Personal Travel Budget and what can they be used for?
What are the benefits of Personal Travel Budgets?
- Some of the possible benefits are:
Personal travel budgets provide parents with the freedom and flexibility to make their own arrangements that suit the child and the family
PTBs give families control over how the money is spent
They are flexible and can be pooled with other parents either to create an income for families or to save money on the costs of travel
They can be used to help children and young people become more independent.
What can a Personal Travel Budget be used for?
- The Council does not specify how a Personal Travel Budget is spent other than it must always be used to ensure your child’s attendance at school. Some examples include:
Buying a travel pass for public transport for a parent / carer / guardian / buddy to travel with your young person
Paying someone to walk with the young person to their place of learning
Parents may wish to ‘pool’ their personal travel budgets and take it in turns to transport their children to school
Covering the costs of childcare while the parent is supporting the young person to travel to school
Overcoming other barriers that may prevent the parent or young person from travelling to their place of learning.