5. Applying for a Personal Travel Budget
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Applying for a Personal Travel Budget
- An application for a PTB can be made by:
- the parent, guardian or carer on behalf of the child or young person
- the young person themselves, if they are over 18 years old.
- a nominated person acting on behalf of the applicant if agreed by the applicant and that nominated person has capacity.
Parents or young people can express a preference for a Persona; Travel Budget as part of the application form [Eternal Link].
PTBs are offered entirely at the discretion of the Council. Families can request a PTB but it may not be granted if it is not cost effective for the Council to do so - for example if there are more cost effective ways of providing travel assistance e.g. your child or young person could be placed onto existing transport at no additional cost to the Local Authority.
16-19 year olds that are offered a Personal Travel Budget will not be charged a contribution towards the cost of a PTB (see Travel Assistance Policy for learners aged 16 to 25).
All applicants will be asked to confirm they are content with the Terms and Conditions set out in Appendix A of this statement.