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3. About Personal Travel Budgets

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About Personal Travel Budgets

  1. PTBs are offered entirely at the discretion of the Council. Families can request a PTB but it may not be granted if it is not cost effective for the Council to do so

  2. If you use the PTB to employ someone, you will be responsible for Tax and National Insurance, Employment Law, Insurance, Health and Safety or any other legislation relevant and in force at that time. The Council would recommend that you have a check carried out by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) on anyone that you are thinking of employing. 

  3. If you use the PTB to enter into an agreement with another organisation or individual - for example an after school club, a childcare company or childminder, you are responsible for complying with the terms and conditions of those agreements. The Council advises you to seek your own independent legal advice on any agreements that you may be entering into. 

  4. You cannot use a PTB for any purpose that does not enable you to get your child or young person to or from school (but it doesn’t have to be spent on transport provision per se). You cannot use it for any activity that is unsafe or illegal. You cannot use it for any purposes that might bring the Council into disrepute. The Council reserves the right to reclaim any money if the PTB is not being used within the terms of this guidance. In accepting a PTB you accept responsibility for the decisions made regarding the use of the payments and understand what the consequences are for misuse. 

  5. Provided the above stipulations are adhered to you, you will have control over how the payment is used. Notwithstanding this, the Council reserves the right to reclaim payments if it is not used in accordance with this Guidance. 

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