12. Service Standards
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Service Standards
We have high standards for travel assistance; we expect all our young people to arrive at their place of learning safely, feeling comfortable and ready to learn. Where we are providing transport, we try to keep the same timings, and the same vehicles and people transporting you, though sometimes we have to change them. If we do, we will give as much notice as possible. When we provide assistance and you are ill or cannot go to school/college, we need families to let the travel assistance provider know so that the right people know and the arrangements can be changed.
Drivers, passenger assistants (PAs) and young people are expected to be courteous and to treat each other with respect. You must:
- wear seat belts at all times
- not stand up or open doors whilst the vehicle is moving
- not smoke or vape
- not drop litter in vehicles
- not eat on school transport
- only use personal stereos/radios with headphones
- not distract the driver in any way
- not behave in such a way as to cause risk to yourself, anyone else on the vehicle or any member of the public
- follow instructions given by the passenger assistant (PA) and/or driver
Your parents/carers will be held responsible for damage caused to vehicles by you. In extreme cases, it may be necessary to suspend or withdraw transport because of behaviour. In such cases, you would be expected to make your own arrangements to get to and from school/college.
If something is wrong with the service, please tell us. You can phone, email or write to us. Our contact details are at the end of the policy.
All vehicles are provided by contractors under contract to the Council
All transport will be provided in accordance with contractual standards and legislation;
All vehicles will be properly licensed in accordance with local regulation and national legislation;
The Assisted Travel Team will conduct regular monitoring of quality and service standards on all vehicles operated by its contractors;
Vehicles will have specialist wheelchair access and wheelchair restraint systems where necessary;
All vehicles will be roadworthy, clean inside and out, fitted with seat belts and carry emergency equipment (for example, fire extinguisher and first aid kit) and any other equipment or notices required by law.
- Drivers contracted by the Council:
Drivers must carry and display suitable identification at all times;
Drivers must have enhanced DBS clearance;
Drivers have completed safeguarding training;
Drivers are provided with certified first-aid training;
Drivers must, as far as possible, be punctual;
Drivers must treat parents/carers and young people with respect and avoid confrontations. It is also expected that parents/carers will treat our drivers with respect and consideration;
Drivers must adhere to the Council’s no smoking policy;
If the driver has a concern for any young person in their care, they must report their concern to their supervisor, who will inform the Assisted Travel Team;
Drivers must report any poor behaviour of passengers to their supervisor to relay onto the Assisted Travel Team, and to the school/college and parent as necessary;
Drivers must ensure that all wheelchairs are securely clamped, all passenger harnesses are worn and safety straps are properly adjusted and fitted securely before the journey commences;
The driver is to stop as close to the home address or collection point as traffic conditions will safely permit;
The driver is not allowed to sound the vehicle’s horn to alert parents or carers that the vehicle is there;
Drivers are not authorised to leave a young person with anyone other than their parent or carer or a named responsible adult (16+) identified in writing in advance by the parent or carer to the Assisted Travel Team;
Drivers have strict instructions not to enter into any personal arrangements with parents/carers, including changing pick up or drop off points without consulting the Assisted Travel Team;
Every effort will be made to ensure the same driver is used on a regular basis. This may not always be possible due to illness, holidays, retirement and staff resignations. Changes may also be necessary from time to time to ensure the efficient use of resources.
Passenger Assistants
- Passenger Assistants contracted by the Council:
PAs must carry and display suitable identification at all times;
PAs must have enhanced DBS clearance;
PAs have completed safeguarding training;
PAs are provided with certified first-aid training;
PAs must treat parents/carers and children and young people with respect and avoid confrontations. It is also expected that parents/carers will treat our PAs with respect and consideration;
PAs must adhere to the Council’s no smoking policy;
If the PA has a concern for any young person in their care, they must report their concern to their supervisor, who will inform the Assisted Travel Team;
PAs must report any poor behaviour of passengers to their supervisor to relay onto the Assisted Travel Team, and to the college and parent as necessary;
The PA should assist young people on and off the vehicle and ensure they are seated safely while the vehicle is moving;
PAs should deliver young people to a member of school/college staff on arrival so that at no time are young people left unattended on the vehicle;
PAs will generally leave a young person with the parent or carer or another named responsible adult identified in writing in advance by the parent or carer to the Assisted Travel Team;
PAs have strict instructions not to enter into any personal arrangements with parents/carers, including changing pick up or drop off points without consulting the Assisted Travel Team;
Every effort will be made to ensure the same PAis used on a regular basis. This may not always be possible due to illness, holidays, retirement and staff resignations. Changes may be necessary at times to ensure the efficient use of resources.
Continuity of staff
Every effort will be made to ensure that the same Passenger Assistant and driver continue to transport you; however this will not always be possible and changes may need to be made due to illness, holidays, retirement and staff resignations, or to ensure the most efficient use of available resources.
Parents, carers and colleges will be informed by the transport company about any changes to the crew member(s) in advance. Parents and carers are advised to take the name of the new driver and/or Passenger Assistant, and ask to see their identification, or contact the transport provider to verify identity if they are in any doubt.
Local authorities have a duty to spend public funds in the most appropriate and cost-effective manner. Routes will be reviewed regularly. Separate routes, taking pupils to several different schools, may be brought together into a single route where this is appropriate. Longer routes will be reviewed periodically with the respective colleges to ensure that concentration and attentiveness are not compromised by any change to your journey.
The nature of transport congestion in the borough means that travelling times can vary greatly. The Council, in accordance with DfE guidelines, expects that you should arrive at your place of learning safely and fit to learn, and journey times should reflect this. Good practice suggests that a young person of secondary school age may reasonably be expected to travel up to 75 minutes each way to access learning. Local authorities should apply similar expectations to young people of sixth form age.
These times may not apply to young people travelling to out of borough schools, where distances and frequency of journeys vary.
Any ongoing delays due to major roadworks or weather will be taken into account and where possible alternative routes will be provided. In this situation parents and schools will be notified accordingly.
Quality surveys
Surveys are sent to a random selection of parents, schools and colleges twice yearly, to assess and ensure the quality of service. Questions are asked regarding the punctuality of the service, the perceived safety of passengers, the crew’s understanding, empathy and communication with their passengers, and the readiness of young people to learn. Young people and parents are also asked for their comments.
The survey responses are shared with contractors, and used to improve the quality of the service that we provide.