Travel assistance to get to school, education and training for Young People with SEND
Find out useful information on our travel policies.
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Our Travel Policies set out what travel assistance is available from the London Borough of Sutton.
Home to School Travel Assistance Policy
The Home to School Travel Assistance Policy document explains who can receive assistance with travel from home to school, how to apply for that assistance. To read the full policy, visit our Home to School Travel Assistance Policy section.
Post-16 Travel Assistance to Education and Training
The London Borough of Sutton's Post 16 Travel Assistance Policy Statement sets out what travel assistance is available from the London Borough of Sutton and other bodies, to help young people aged 16-18 (and learners aged 19 to 25 with LDD) to access school or further education institutions. To read the full policy, visit our Post-16 Travel Assistance Policy section.