Travel assistance to get to school, education and training for Young People with SEND
Find out useful information on our travel policies.
Learn moreWithin this section you will find information on getting around the borough and travel.
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In the UK, 1 in 5 people have a disability and 80% of these are hidden.
Sutton Council is supporting the Hidden Disabilities Charity and has adopted its sunflower to support and raise awareness. The charity aims to help make the invisible, visible. Read more about the Hidden Disabilities Charity on the London Borough of Sutton Website [External Link]
Use the Great British Public Toilet Map [External Link] to find accessible toilets. Use Changing Places toilets [External Link] to find 'Changing Places' toilets. These have extra facilities including a height adjustable changing bench and a hoist.
It is important to keep yourself safe when venturing outside.
Top tips for keeping Safe when out and about:
Plan where you are going.
Make sure you know how to get there.
Tell someone where you are going.
Remember to take your keys, money and phone when you go out.
Keep your things in a safe place like a bag or your pocket.
Keep your bag closed.
Try to stay away from places that are dark and empty.
AccessAble is a a platform to help take the chance out of going out. By surveying 10,000s of venues across the UK and Ireland, including shops, pubs, restaurants, cinemas, theatres, raliway stations, hotels, colleges, universities, hospitals and more, AccessAble gives you the detailed information you need to work out if a place is going to be accessible to you. Visit the AccessAble website for more information [External Link].
Find out useful information on our travel policies.
Learn moreOn this page you will find information on the Disabled Persons Freedom Pass, Railcard, Taxicard and Blue Badge Scheme.
Learn more