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6. Travel Assistance Options

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Travel Assistance options

  1. If you have been assessed as eligible, the Council will allocate travel assistance in the most cost-effective and sustainable way. 

  2. It is the expectation that you will use public transport. The Council will make arrangements to assess the suitability of public transport, and will provide access to training to allow independent travel where this is necessary.

  3. Where public transport may not be possible for whatever reason, there are a range of different options we will consider:

- Independent Travel Training

- reimbursing mileage costs for your parents / carers to transport you to your place of learning;

- a Personal Travel Budget

- provision of a private bus service; bus stops will be used where possible to cut down on the number of stops a bus has to make.

- in exceptional circumstances, transport may be provided by individual taxis or licensed private car hire.

  1. For young people with very complex needs, we may offer to arrange an additional adult who travels with you to keep you safe while travelling, or occasionally arrange for a suitably trained professional to travel with you if you have medical needs that necessitate that. 

  2. In general, assistance will be agreed for the current academic year only. When an application is received during the summer term, a decision will be made for the current term and for the following academic year, so long as you are continuing at the place of learning.  

  3. Travel Assistance is only available to get you to your place of learning. When travel assistance is provided, it will normally only be provided at the start and end of the school/college day, for example in a further education college, a shuttle bus service may be used. You may have to wait for either the next shuttle bus or until the end of the college day to access homeward travel.

  4. We expect you to arrange appointments outside school/college hours, and to arrange transport to and from those for yourself. If you are ill, or in detention, this is your responsibility. We won’t take your parents to and from college for meetings; we only provide transport/travel assistance for you.

Independent Travel Training

  1. Independent travel training (ITT) is an important life skill and is shown to have a positive impact on young people's independence. Learning to travel safely supports you to access employment opportunities and participate in social and educational activities which in turn helps you build your own life and maintain relationships with peers.

  2. The London Borough of Sutton has commissioned Independent Living charity, KCIL, to provide an individualised travel training programme for 11-25 year olds, which includes:

    • One-to-one personalised travel trainer support

    • Journey planning

    • Road and personal safety skills

    • Time management

    • Emergency strategies

    • Stranger awareness

    • Contactless payment methods

  3. Through working closely with you, your parents/carers and your school/college, the aims of ITT are to increase confidence, independence and choices. Because of the positive outcomes, travel training will be given priority as an option when considering suitable solutions.

  4. If it is considered that ITT would be the most appropriate option, you will be put forward for an ITT assessment.

  5. If, on assessment, it is decided that ITT is not appropriate, an alternative form of travel assistance will be offered.

  6. If, on assessment, it is agreed that ITT is appropriate, this will be the form of travel assistance that will be awarded to you. If you decline the offer of ITT, another form of travel assistance will not be offered.

  7. While undertaking ITT, other forms of travel assistance will continue to be offered as appropriate to ensure you can attend your place of learning (e.g. where travel training takes place 2-3 days a week but organised transport is needed for the remainder).

  8. An expert team of travel trainers will train you on a one-to-one basis to travel to your place of learning independently. A trainer will go with you on your journey, giving encouragement and guidance until you develop the skills to travel on your own.

  9. A trainer will create a training plan for you. This will take into account suitable routes. They will then visit you and your parents/carers at home to talk through the plan and make sure everyone agrees with it. Consent will always be requested before training starts.

  10. Criteria for successful completion of the training are based on an agreed rigorous training programme and assessment process undertaken by a qualified travel trainer.  A copy of the final assessment will be provided to you and your parents/carers. Successful completion of Independent Travel Training will be signed-off by you, the family and the ITT provider.

  11. Successful completion of ITT will usually result in you being able to travel to your place of learning independently and without the need for support from the Council. This is a great way to achieve one of the Preparation for Adulthood outcomes. 

  12. While undertaking ITT, other forms of travel assistance will continue to be offered as appropriate to ensure you can attend your place of learning (e.g. where travel training takes place 2-3 days a week but organised transport is needed for the remainder). 

  13. Requests for ITT can be made through our ITT provider, KCIL or by contacting the Cognus Assisted Travel Team (  More information on our current ITT offer can be found on KCIL’s website [External Link]or our Local Offer website.

Mileage allowance

  1. This is a sum of money paid directly to families to pay for the cost of journeys when they are able to / or wish to make travel arrangements for you. The amount received will be based on the distance travelled from home to school/college and your needs. 

  2. Payments will be made half-termly in advance. Mileage payments are not taxed and do not affect any other benefits that parents and carers receive; the only requirement is that school/college is attended regularly and on time. A mileage payment is provided at the discretion of the Council and is not an entitlement. It can be refused or withdrawn if these conditions are not met. 

  3. A mileage payment is funded at £0.45 per mile, paid in six equal instalments across the year. The distance funded is calculated for the round trip, to take you to school/college and your parent to then return home. Example: 

Distance from home to school = 3.0 miles 

Distance funded per day 2 round trips = 12.0 miles 

Annual funding 190 days x 12.0 miles @ £0.45 /mile = £1,026 per year.

Personal Travel Budgets (PTB)

  1. A Personal Transport Budget (PTB) is a flexible payment which is designed to support families in getting you to school/college. It may be made available to families if you have a Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and have been assessed as eligible to receive Assisted Travel by Cognus (on behalf of the London Borough of Sutton).

  2. Why consider a Personal Travel Budget?

- You may feel more comfortable being taken to school/college by your parents which means you arrive at school/college ready to learn

- You may find travelling with others on a shared bus difficult - this provides another option 

- PTBs provide families with the flexibility to make their own arrangements that suit them

- PTBs give families control over how the money is spent

- They are flexible and can be pooled with other families either to create an income for families or to offer alternative solutions

- They can be used to help you become more independent. 

  1. What can a Personal Travel Budget be used for?

- To buy a travel pass for public transport for your parent/carer/guardian/buddy to travel with you

- To pay someone to walk with you to your place of learning

- Parents may wish to ‘pool’ their personal travel budgets and take it in turns to transport you to school/college with other young people

- To cover the costs of childcare of other children in the family while your parent is supporting you to travel to school/college

- To overcome any other barriers that may prevent you from travelling to your place of learning.

  1. How much is a Personal Travel Budget worth? 

A Personal Travel Budget will be between a minimum of £2,000 per annum and a maximum of £7,020 (unless alternative/exceptional arrangements are agreed with the Travel Team). 

One-way distance from home to school (miles)

Personal Travel Budget Allowance*

0-1.99 miles = £2,000

2 to 3.99 miles = £2,106

4-5.99 miles = £3,510

6-7.99 miles = £4,914

8-9.99 miles = £6,318

10 miles + = £7,020

* This is based on a child or young person attending an educational setting 5 days a week. Where assistance is required for fewer days the Council will adjust the budget pro rata based on the number of days travel assistance is needed 

  1. PTBs are offered entirely at the discretion of the Council. Families can request a PTB but it may not be granted if it is not cost effective for the Council to do so - for example if there are more cost effective ways of providing travel assistance e.g. you could be placed onto existing transport at no additional cost to the Local Authority.

  2. 16-19 year olds that are offered a Personal Travel Budget will not be charged a contribution towards the cost. 

  3. For more information on Personal Travel Budgets - how they work, how monies will be paid, what terms and conditions will apply please find our full PTB policy statement.

Shared vehicles

  1. Where other forms of travel assistance are not possible or where assessed as necessary, the Council may provide a vehicle to transport you to and from school/college. Where transport vehicles are provided, they will be provided by a suitably qualified, registered commercial provider working to contractual standards set by the Council. 

  2. We can only help with journeys directly between home and school/college so that you can attend school/college, unless we have agreed something different in advance.

  3. Whenever possible, young people will travel together on buses and other shared vehicles, suitable for the needs of those travelling on them. Each route will be planned on the basis of school/college start and finish times. Most vehicles run closely to time and are required to transport several people. The pick-up and drop-off times reflect the required timings to give the shortest possible route for all those travelling on a particular vehicle. Small changes at one point may make the journey excessively long or otherwise unreasonable for others. We are unable to arrange times specifically to suit family preferences.

  4. The Council currently offers both a ‘home to school/college service’ as well as using appropriate safe and convenient ‘collection points’ at reasonable distances to and from family homes. The home to school/college service will only be agreed where it is deemed essential due to your particular needs. This will normally be on the basis of one pick up point / address and one drop off point / address per day.

  5. When organised transport is provided, it will normally only be provided at the start and end of the school/college day, for example in a Further Education college, a shuttle bus service may be used, rather than individual taxi services. You may have to wait for either the next shuttle bus or until the end of the school/college day to access homeward travel. Bespoke arrangements to or from, for example, a parent’s place of work or study will not be considered.

Taxi / private hire vehicle

  1. Only in exceptional circumstances connected to an individual's special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and where no alternative mode of travel is available, will taxi travel be considered. This will normally be on a shared taxi basis. Solo transport provision will only be considered for young people or young adults presenting with complex medical and/or health needs.

  2. Arrangements of this kind will be kept under regular review and, where possible, the opportunity will be taken to move to an alternative and suitable form of travel assistance as soon as possible.

Passenger Assistants

  1. A Passenger Assistant (PA) is a person who accompanies you on a route to ensure your safety and the safety of the vehicle.  

  2. In some circumstances, a PA may be provided to accompany you to school/college on transport provided by the Local Authority. PAs will only be provided where they are necessary for the safe operation of vehicles or you care. A PA will not be provided simply because you do not know the driver.  

  3. You will normally only be provided with a PA in the following circumstances:

- Where your lead medical professional confirms that a PA is required on medical grounds, and a health care plan is provided;  

- Where you have a behaviour, learning or communication difficulty which is such that there is clear evidence to indicate that your safety or the safety of other passengers could be compromised without provision of a Passenger Assistant.

  1. Provision of a PA at any one time does not guarantee that this will be an ongoing arrangement and the requirement for a PA will be reviewed at least annually, or more frequently in the event of a change in circumstance. 

  2. If your parent/carer is concerned that you may find travelling without them upsetting, it may be possible to offer a Personal Travel Budget to enable them to put in place alternative arrangements more in keeping with what you are comfortable with. Alternatively, it may be possible for them to travel with you on the first day when you meet the driver. If this is the case, your parent/carer should contact the Cognus Assisted Travel Team. Contact details are given in Section 15.

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