Independent SEND Provision approved by DfE
Find information on approved independent special schools.
Learn moreIn this section you will find information on nurseries, schools and colleges and the different types of settings.
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We are ambitious for our children and young people in Sutton. Every child should have the opportunity to get a good education. This is regardless of what additional needs they may have.
Young people with SEND all have learning difficulties which make it harder for them to learn than others their age. They may need extra or different help than that given to others.
Most young people with SEND get support at mainstream schools. This support can vary depending on need. If a young person’s needs are complex, there are a range of settings and provisions to meet them.
Mainstream settings
These are settings that all pupils can attend. These include nurseries, primary and secondary schools and colleges. Most young people with SEND receive enough support in these schools. Mainstream settings are funded to support pupils through a range of strategies. These include the graduated approach, quality first teaching and targeted and personalised support. This is what is known as 'ordinarily available provision'. Young people with SEND should have an Education Support Plan or an EHC Plan. These support the young person with their learning.
'SEND Base Provision'
Some mainstream schools have bases. In bases, teaching is separated from the mainstream classes. The base classes are smaller than mainstream classes too to aid the provision needed. Integration into mainstream classes is usually limited. This is because the base runs an adapted curriculum. However, children can take part in integrated social or recreational activities where possible. Bases receive finding for a high level of support to pupils.
'Special Settings' (schools and colleges)
Some young people’s needs are so complex that they cannot be met in mainstream provision. This is the case for the minority of pupils with SEND. Sutton has a range of these in the borough. Young people must have an EHC Plan to attend a specialist setting. The Local Authority place all pupils into these settings based on individual needs. There are a range of specialist settings which cater to different needs. However, they all help to meet needs that cannot be met in mainstream settings.
You can choose to home school your child outside of any educational setting. This is known as Elective Home Education (EHE). By doing this, you will take full responsibility for your child's education. The government has information to read if you are thinking of home-schooling. To read the government guidance, visit the Elective Home Education page [External Link].
Independent Exam Centres for Independent Candidates
AQA have a list of schools and colleges that may allow private candidates to take exams there. You may want to contact one of these if you are unable to find a suitable setting for your young person. You can also contact schools that are not on the list as your young person may still be accepted.
It is important you check the entries closing dates carefully. You should find and contact a school in good time before this date. This means the exams officer can process your entry and avoid the need to pay late fees.
A setting does not have to accept private candidates. It is likely that they will only accept if they are already entering students into that exam.
For more information and to view the list of settings, visit the AQA website [External Link].
Find information on approved independent special schools.
Learn moreOn this page you will find links to the schools directory pages arranged into individual categories.
Learn moreFind information on specific Early Years support available within Sutton for children under the age of 5 with SEND.
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