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Information and Advice for Children and Young People with SEND and their parents and carers

Information and Advice for children and young people with SEND and their parents and carers.

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Information and Advice for children and young people with SEND and their parents and carers

Hidden Disabilities Charity

In the UK, 1 in 5 people have a disability and 80% of these are hidden. Sutton Council is supporting the Hidden Disabilities Charity and has adopted its sunflower to support and raise awareness. The charity aims to help make the invisible, visible. Read more about the Hidden Disabilities Charity [External Link].

The London Borough of Sutton have invested in a multi-user licence for 4 courses by the Solihull Approach (a national NHS organisation). These course are relevant for parents of all children, including those with special needs. Learn more about the online courses [External Link].

National Autistic Society Card and Autism Alert scheme

There are schemes in place to help you if you or a family member is autistic. They provide discreet ways to let people know that you might need more support. These include:

  • National Autistic Society Cared. A good way for you to let people know that you are autistic. It can help to show that you might need some extra time or help in certain situations. Download the Autistic Society Card [External Link].

  • The MET police 'autism alert' scheme. A credit card sized card and a more detailed A5 size passport which gives more details. Once an officer is handed the card, it helps identify the person is autistic and has additional needs. If you would like one for you or your family, email to ask for one and it will be sent to you. The police do not hold any personal data.

The Armed Forces Families Hub offers useful signposting to all Regular and Reserve personnel and families

From the moment of joining the Forces through to leaving. Discover information, support and guidance to help you manage various aspects of Service life as a family. Learn more about the Armed Forces Family Hub here [External Link]

Below you will find some National Organisations that offer advice and support. You can also visit our service directory pages for a full list of local and national services.

Find out about local Advocacy Services

Advocacy for All provide a range of services to help make sure you voice is heard. Click the button below to look through the types of services they offer.

Browse Advocacy for All Services

Find out about IPSEA (Independent Provider of Special Education Advice)

IPSEA offers free and independent legally based information, advice and support to help get the right education for children and young people with all kinds of special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

Visit the IPSEA service directory page

Find out about Sutton Information, Advice and Support Service (SIASS)

Free, Impartial, Confidential support for 0-25 year olds with SEND in Sutton.

Visit the SIASS service directory page

Find out about Together for Sutton

Together For Sutton provides professional, confidential information, advice, support and advocacy to residents in the London Borough of Sutton.

Visit the Together for Sutton service directory page

Find out about Sutton Carers Centre

Sutton Carers Centre offers specialist advice and support to unpaid carers, including parents/carers of children, young people and adults with disabilities or extra needs.

Visit the Sutton Carers Centre service directory page

Find out about Get on Down's Sutton

We are a parent led Down's syndrome support group.

Visit the Get on Down's service directory page

Find out about the National Autistic Society Sutton

The Sutton branch of the National Autistic Society (NAS) run entirely by unpaid volunteers, many of whom have are parents / carers of autistic children.

Visit the NAS Sutton service directory page

Find out about Playwise

PlayWise offers a range of services for everyone that is supporting a child with an additional need or disability.

Visit the Playwise service directory page

Information and Advice Services

A range of services offering information and advice.

Browse Information and Advice Services

In this topic

  • National Support Organisations

    In this section you can find information about different organisations that provide support for a range of needs.

    Learn more